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Q2 2024 Apr-Jun
News and Shopify updates

Q1 2024 Jan-Mar
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Q4 2023 Oct-Dec
News and Shopify updates

Q3 2023 July-Sept

#Q2 2024

Q2 2024 features

Split shipping calculations

Downpay now supports Shopify's new split shipping checkout feature. Shipping on Shopify is now calculated based on the fulfillment date of an order (which is the payment due date set in Downpay). By default, Downpay will enable split shipping to ensure shipping costs are accurate when shipping some products now, and some products later. For customers who wish to charge one lower shipping cost and ship products when all become available, simply disable this global setting in Downpay.

Conditionally hide or show Downpay product block

You can now show or hide Downpay to enable workflows like hiding/showing deposits for certain regions or customers. Learn how to use this feature

New Downpay triggers for payment due days

Downpay now includes 3 new Shopify Flow triggers to help you create payment reminder flows before payment is due. Learn more

Automatic payment collection with Downpay's Shopify Flow integration

Downpay's new Shopify Flow action will allow customers to collect remaining balance payment based on various triggers such as Payment due date or Order fulfilled. Learn how to enable this

Automatic payment authorization with Downpay's Shopify Flow integration

Downpay's new Shopify Flow action will allow customers to authorize remaining balance payment various triggers like Order created or Order fulfilled. Learn how to enable this

Downpay Shopify Flow triggers: Payment Success and Payment Failure

Customers can use Downpay's triggers to manage different actions based on whether remaining balance payment was successful or failed. Review our example workflows

Q2 2024 enhancements

Payment icons feature for legacy themes

Payment icons toggle feature for the Downpay product embed is now available on legacy themes.

Downpay no longer uses Shopify's "Only show this product with these purchase options" to display products with a deposit only

Downpay no longer uses Shopify's product page Only show this product with these purchase options checkbox when customers sell products without the Pay in full option. Instead, Downpay uses it's own metafield that does not hide products from other sales channels nor does it cause issues upon uninstall. This change was not made on current merchant purchase options and is forward facing only.

Enhanced performance

We've upgrades certain systems to improve page load times and scaling to support even larger brands.

Q1 2024 features

Assign products to Downpay using a Product tag.

Using product tags with Downpay will ensure products that should be sold with a deposit will stay in sync based on tags that have been assigned. Learn more

Assign specific variants to Downpay.

It is not possible to display deposits only on specific variants. Learn more

Downpay's API is now available to help build workflows to suit any business. Check out our API blog article for 4 days to use Shopify Flow with Downpay's API.

Review Getting started with the Downpay API or contact us if you'd like to learn more.

Q1 2024 enhancements

Merchants can now see product count on Downpay purchase option pages has launched as a new home for the Downpay brand.

Improved customer documentation about app compatibility

Various scalability enhancements

Various bug fixes

Q1 2024 Shopify updates

Order editing now allows shipping and line item discounting. This feature will help adjust prices more easily for variable weight based products.

Q4 2023

Q4 2023 Features

Customer portal order status page extension [Shopify Plus]

Shopify Plus stores can now enable the Downpay customer order portal directly through the Shopify theme editor. This functionality will be coming to non-Plus stores summer 2024. Learn more

Q1 news and Shopify changes

In-app support chat

Customers can now chat with Downpay's support team directly in-app.

Cart and checkout line item help text is now customizable

The line item help text that used to be hard coded as Deposit only due at checkout can now be customized per purchase option.

Downpay now features a cart embed to support 2.0 and Vintage themes

Display total due today and total due later directly in your cart for all deposit orders. Customers can enable and customize the content of the embed from the Shopify theme editor. Learn more

Customer order portal design

Downpay's customer portal has a default design to align more closely with Shopify's account portal. Learn more

Product page help text display options

You can now choose when the help text box appears (on deposit, on pay in full, on both).

Q4 2023 Enhancements

Improved documentation

We're constantly adding documentation and have include new sections to help with integrations and payment collection.

Onboarding setup guide in Downpay side bar menu

The onboarding setup guide now exists permanently in Downpay to allow customers to review setup instructions again if needed.

Downpay customer order management portal CSS classes

The customer order management portal design can now be customized using the various CSS classes on the elements.

[Deprecation] Downpay no longer sends emails when a payment due date is changed on an order.

Various bug fixes

Q3 2023 Shopify updates

Shopify no longer requires customers to check a box at checkout when placing a deposit order. Downpay follows Shopify's design and does not have a way to enable this functionality again. We will explore introducing our own optional checkbox based on demand in the new year.

Q3 2023

Q3 2023 Features

Payment reminders

Downpay is now compatible with Payment reminders in Shopify so that merchants can send a Pay Now link to customers on the payment due date or after the payment due date they set up in Downpay for a product. Learn more.

CSS box for product and cart embed and block

Each Downpay theme block and embed have their our CSS customization box where a merchant can further design the look and feel of the Downpay elements.

Language support

Downpay now supports 15 languages. Learn more

Vintage theme product page embed

Merchants using vintage themes on Shopify can now use the Downpay product embed to set up deposits. Learn more

Customizable fields in Downpay Product block and embed

Merchants can now adjust the content of the deposit and pay in full fields in the Downpay Product block and vintage theme embed.

Buy button now supports deposits

Shopify's buy now button works by default for products with a Downpay deposit.

Enable free billing on development stores.

Development stores can use Downpay for testing without having to select a billing plan.

Detect when payment gateway is unsupported

Downpay's in-app onboarding now determines if a supported payment gateway is enabled.

Pay now button now available for partially paid orders

Customers can now pay their remaining balance by using View order from their initial order confirmation email. Learn more

Bulk add products to an existing Downpay purchase option

Merchants can now add 50 products at a time to a Downpay purchase option. Learn more

Create purchase options on variants

Purchase options can be created on a variant. Enabled by request only.

Downpay product block release date field

Merchants can now toggle displaying the release date on the product page.

Toggle customer cancellations and/or refunding

By default customer portal cancellations are turned off and can be turned on in the Downpay settings page.

Payment method icons

Downpay product block can now display payment method icons that are enabled on the store.

Q3 2023 Enhancements

Merchants can how quickly contact us directly from the Downpay blocks.

Downpay and Product Options apps guide

Downpay works with many product options, variant and add-on apps so we created a simple guide to help with setup. Learn more

Warning message when deleting a purchase option.

Prevent merchants from accidentally deleting a purchase option without a confirmation.

UI change for days after checkout date type option

Replaced the slider with an input field to help with easy of use.

Allow purchase options to be created without a product.

Downpay's customer facing order management portal now links to the purchase option cancellation policy.

Toggle Border on Downpay product theme app block.

Merchants can now toggle the outline on or off on the Downpay product block.

Updated on: 24/06/2024

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