Articles on: Basic Setup

Purchase options

Purchase options add new ways for your customers to pay for products beyond the standard option of "pay now".

This guide will help you create, edit, and delete a purchase option using Downpay's app interface.

On this page:

Create a purchase option

Edit a purchase option

Delete a purchase option

Purchase option settings
Line item help text
Product selection type
Deposit options
Expected release date

Create a purchase option

Click Create purchase option in the Downpay app.

Add a name to the "Purchase option name" field.
This field is merchant facing will also be used as an order tag

Update any other purchase option settings.

Click Save to create the purchase option

The purchase option will become active once you save.

You must add Downpay to your theme for purchase options to be visible to visitors.

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Edit a purchase option

Click on the purchase option you wish to edit.

Update any purchase option settings.
The date type in "expected release date" cannot be edited after creation.

Click Save to create the purchase option

Changing a purchase option does not affect orders that have already been placed.

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Delete a purchase option

Delete a purchase option using the Delete button located beside the respective option in the Downpay app.

Deleting a purchase option does not affect orders that have already been placed.

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Purchase option settings

Line item help text

This text will be shown in the cart and checkout for any line item using this purchase option. This helps to differentiate which line items have a purchase option, and can help inform the customer of what to expect.

Example help text:
Deposit only due a checkout [Default]
Payment due when shipped
No payment. Reservation only.
50% today. 50% when shipped.

This text is limited to 29 characters

Product selection type

There are three separate ways to select specific products:
by product
by variant
by tags

A purchase option can only use one product selection type.

When a product has 2+ purchase options Downpay will only display the oldest purchase option.


The most common approach to product selection is to individually choose specific products. To select products:

Click the "Products" tabs, then click "Select product(s)" button.

Use the search bar or scroll to find the products you wish to include.

You can also bulk add products.


Be more specific about which variants are included and excluded with this product selection type.

A purchase option can only include variants from a single product.

To choose variants:

Click the "Variants" tabs, then click "Select variant(s)" button.

Use the search bar or scroll to find the variants you wish to include.


Shopfiy product tags allow you organize and manage your products. Downpay can utilize tags to automatically sync which products are included in a purchase option.

To choose a tag:

Click the "Tags" tabs

Click the search bar to see all tags. Select any tag by clicking it's checkbox.

Deposit options

Determines if the deposit on your purchase option is either a percentage or an exact amount.

Give customers the option to pay in full

Determines whether to offer the standard "pay in full" purchase option to customers.

Purchase options are only available for certain sales channels and payment methods. Your customers may lose the ability to purchase these products on unsupported channels and payment methods if you remove the option to pay in full.

Expected release date

Select the date at which you estimate your product will be available.
Exact dates are useful for upcoming preorders with specific release dates.
Relative dates are useful for custom made products or dropshipping

The order payment status is marked as "Overdue" on this date.

Payments are not automatically collected on this date.

These dates are used to inform the customer. If you wish you can hide dates from your customers.

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Updated on: 17/10/2024

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