Articles on: Using Downpay

Using Shopify Flow with Downpay

Downpay officially integrates with Shopify Flow to provide ways to automate workflows and actions such as partial payment collection, authorization, and other triggers.

Shopify Flow is generally available to all Shopify merchants, regardless of their plan.

On this page:

Downpay Triggers
Payment collection failure
Payment collection success
Payment authorization failure
Payment authorization success
Payment due in

Downpay Actions
Collect remaining payment
Authorize remaining payment

Downpay Flow downloadable workflows
Customer notifications
Order management
Payment Collection

Downpay triggers

Downpay's triggers can be found in Shopify Flow when creating a new workflow under the Triggers menu.

Payment collection failure

The payment collection failure trigger can be used when collecting remaining payment and wanting to take action if payment fails. This trigger also contains a field that states the reason for the failure which can be used as a condition to have different actions based on the state.

Send an email to internal teams

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Use the action Send internal email under Shopify Flow to send an email to a staff member.

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Payment collection success

The payment collection success trigger can be used when collecting remaining payment and wanting to take action on payment collection success.

Payment authorization failure

The payment authorization failure trigger can be used to take action if payment authorization fails. This trigger also contains a field that states the reason for the failure which can be used as a condition to have different actions based on the state.

Payment authorization success

The payment authorization success trigger can be used to take action on payment authorization success.

Payment due in

Each order placed through Downpay has an associated due date for the remaining balance. Downpay comes with triggers for when orders are due. There are triggers for 24 hours, 48 hours, and 7 days before payments are due. These triggers, in addition to the default Payment Schedule is Due trigger, can be used to collect the remaining payment, or take another action depending on your use cases. For example, you could place a hold on a customer's card 48 hours before the order is due, and then fulfill the order knowing that payment is secured.

Downpay actions

Collect remaining payment

This action will collect the remaining balance to the card on file on a Downpay processed order.

Authorize remaining payment

This action will authorize the remaining balance to the card on file on a Downpay processed order.

Authorization, also known as pre-authorization or a credit card hold, is an approval from the credit card issuer that confirms that the cardholder has sufficient funds to cover the cost of a transaction. The length of the authorization varies based on the payment provider and Shopify Plan. Learn more about authorization on Shopify.

When selling products that are shipping before they are fully paid, we always recommend authorizing the remaining balance in order to avoid issues with payment capture due to insufficient funds, expired, or cancelled cards.

Downpay Flow Downloadable workflows

Customer Notifications

As of February 1, 2024, Gmail and Yahoo will require you to authenticate your domain and have a DMARC record in order to send emails to customers from a branded email address. If you take no action, then your sender email will be rewritten to to meet the minimum requirements so that you can continue sending emails to your customers without interruption. The string of numbers (123) in the default email will be unique to your store. Learn more

Send an invoice to the customer if payment fails

Download this prebuilt Shopify Flow template here.

Use the action Send invoice under Shopify to customize an invoice and let customers know payment has failed and that they should pay their remaining balance to avoid delays.

Recipient email address variable: {{ }}
Sender email address variable: {{ }}
Order number: {{ }}

Email customers before the remaining balance due date

Download this prebuilt Shopify Flow template here

If you want to remind customers to pay their order, or that you will be automatically collecting payment soon, use this flow. Their are several trigger options in Downpay including Payment due in 1, 2, or 7 days

This workflow will not work with the Shopify action Send payment reminder. We recommend using Send order invoice and adding a custom message. The Order invoice template can be customized in your Shopify notifications - customer notifications settings.

The template includes some sample Subject/Custom message examples. Feel free to choose wording that suits your use case depending on whether you will automatically collect payment or if you'll send an invoice on the due date.

Order management

Send an email to internal teams when order is fully paid

Download this prebuilt Shopify Flow template here.

When using deposits as a layaway payment option for customers, an email can be sent to an internal team when the final payment has been made to begin fulfillment.

Release fulfillment hold when order is fully paid

Download this prebuilt Shopify Flow template here

When using deposit plans with Downpay with the Days after checkout due date type, orders will have an on hold status. A workflow can be created to check for fully paid status and automatically release the fulfillment holds in order to display Unfulfilled as an order's status.

Payment Collection

Collect payment on due date

Download this prebuilt Shopify Flow template here

This workflow uses the Shopify trigger Payment schedule is due which is the date listed on the order payment details card.

Collect payment on fulfillment

Download this prebuilt Shopify Flow template here

This workflow uses the Order fulfill trigger and the Collect payment Downpay action.

Need help building a workflow? Contact us and we'd be happy to help!

Updated on: 06/09/2024

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