Articles on: Advanced Setup

Sesami Integration Setup

Learn how to use Sesami Booking with Downpay. With this integration, you’ll be able to take a deposit on your appointment bookings that are placed with Sesami and be able to automate payment collection workflows around the booking date with Sesami workflows.

On this page:

Overview of the Integration
Setting up Sesami with Downpay
Installing and configuring Sesami
Installing and configuring Downpay
Advanced payment collection with Sesami Flows

Overview of the Integration

The Sesami and Downpay integration enables merchants to take deposits or defer payment for appointment bookings. This setup is ideal for services and businesses who want to charge their customers upon rendering their service.

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Setting up Sesami with Downpay

This section guides you through the steps to integrate Sesami and Downpay, ensuring both apps work together seamlessly on your Shopify store.

Installing and configuring Sesami

Install Sesami from the Shopify App store and use their help guide to set up your services.

Installing and configuring Downpay

Install Downpay from the Shopify App store (if you don't already have it).
Create a purchase option.
Check out our getting started guide for additional support.

Advanced payment collection with Sesami flow

Sesami and Downpay work seamlessly together when placed on the same product template in your Shopify theme editor.

Using Sesami Flows, you can design workflows that automate Downpay payment collection.

Sesami flow: Collecting remaining balance payment when customer checks in

Navigate to the Sesami App in your Shopify admin
Navigate to the Flows section of Sesami
Click Create flow and then click Start from scratch and use the following details:

Sesami flow configuration

Name: Whatever you wish to call the internal flow
Trigger: Customer checked in
Action: Webhook
When: Whenever you'd like the workflow to start

Webhook Template

For the Headers, you will need your Downpay API key which can be found in Downpay's settings page.

{"Content-Type":"application/json","Authorization":"Token yourdownpayapikey"}


{"query":"mutation orderCollectPayment($input: OrderCollectPaymentInput!) { orderCollectPayment(input: $input) { clientMutationId errors { field message } orderPaymentStatus { createdAt orderId paymentReferenceId updatedAt}}}","operationName":"orderCollectPayment","variables":{"input":{"id":"{{OrderID}}"}}}


Sesami flow: Collect a partial no-show fee

Navigate to the Sesami App in your Shopify admin
Navigate to the Flows section of Sesami
Click Create flow and then click Start from scratch and use the following details:

Flow Configuration

Name: Whatever you wish to call the internal flow
Trigger: Customer checked in
Action: Webhook
When: Whenever you'd like the workflow to start

Webhook Template

{"Content-Type":"application/json","Authorization":"Token yourdownpayapikey"}


Adjust the amount from 10.00 to whatever value is required so long as it does not exceed the total order balance due.

{"query":"mutation orderCollectPartialPayment($input: OrderCollectPartialPaymentInput!) { orderCollectPartialPayment(input: $input) { errors { field message } orderPaymentStatus { createdAt orderId }}}", "operationName":"orderCollectPartialPayment", "variables":{"input":{"id":"{{OrderID}}", "amount":{"amount":"10.00"}}}}


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Updated on: 31/01/2025

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